Marketing Strategy

Export Saint Lucia

The Problem

Develop stronger and more consistent branding and marketing including online marketing for carnival in Saint Lucia, Dominica and Grenada and identify Intellectual Property (IP) related concerns with a view to develop an IP strategy/toolkit for carnival and the products involved. This assignment was being undertaken as part of the proposed activities under the work programmes for the Partnering Agencies comprising Export Saint Lucia, Events Company of Saint Lucia, the Cultural Development Foundation of Saint Lucia, the Discover Dominica Authority and Grenada’s Spicemas Corporation.

The Strategy

Carry out a Carnival Audit Review and Validation Exercise which included an industry assessment and gap analysis to determine the key issues constraining the commercialization of the three Carnivals utilizing internal audit reports on the Carnivals’ branding and marketing, relevant industry reports, meetings/consultations with key stakeholders in each of the three islands. Identify Intellectual Property needs and gaps to support IP protection and sustainability for the Carnival product in the three islands.

The Solution

Improved Carnival brand for each island including a brand book, brand guidelines, and briefs to assist the three countries in developing key messaging to give relevance to the objectives of the brand. Strategic Plans for the marketing of all three Carnivals including one collaborative marketing initiative for joint execution which included website content, TV panel discussion, video pieces, press launch event materials, social media strategy and materials. Strategies and Action Plan for addressing IP constraints and the creation of a course/toolkit to be delivered online and/or in person. Workshops were hosted in each island where Accela presented the brand and brand guidelines, and IP toolkit to stakeholders (government agencies, associations artists, bands, fashion designers, media, etc.) to provide pointers on brand use and preservation.

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