Marketing Strategy

Ministry of Health

The Problem

Saint Lucians were not proactively engaging the Ministry of Health and Wellness to benefit from preventative health care services. This was of particular concern as the island has extremely high rates of Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases (CNCDs) and high rates of STIs, unplanned and teen pregnancies. There was oral health, sexual reproductive health, maternal and child health services that were being underutilized. Meanwhile private medical facilities were seen as more professional and preferable for medical care for those who could afford it.

The Strategy

We conducted a National KAP Survey, stakeholders’ consultations, focus groups and discussions, with several demographic groups, particularly at risk groups and men (the least proactive in utilizing health care services). This helped to inform a complete branding platform and communications strategy. Our overarching goal: Make it SIMPLE, EASY, COMPELLING. Make the Ministry of Health approachable and demystify how to access certain services and dispel the illusion of red tape where none ever existed.

The Solution

A fresh, approachable branding platform, logo, tagline, brand campaign, that included a color-coded new design for all Ministry of Health PSAs and communication pieces based on urgency of situation. General notices about how to use facilities were in blue. Health advice in green. Urgent health notices in orange and Emergency Health Crisis in red. The latter would come in handy during COVID19 pandemic management by the Ministry. There was also a communications plan with pieces designed to reach every single demographic in English and Creole, supported by a roll-out and implementation strategy. A pioneering set of social media pieces and the script for a ten-episode local drama series revolving around one clinic and the many human dramas that take place as way to edutain the public was also delivered. With the onset of COVID-19, Accela Marketing quickly shifted focused and produced several public education pieces for radio, television and social media.

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