Market Research

Quarterly Customer Surveys/ Tracking Studies

The Problem

Businesses continuously seek new ways to remain competitive and profitable through being responsive and oriented to customers’ needs. Most acknowledge customer satisfaction as one of the main factors influencing customer retention and loyalty. In keeping with this, informing ways of creating and reinforcing favourable customer experiences with a view to continuously improve satisfaction levels among customers, has been identified as a key priority among one of the leading indigenous banking institutions in the region.

The Strategy

Accela conducts a quarterly survey among the Bank’s customers to obtain ongoing feedback from the various customer groups, including corporate and loan customers as well as users of the Bank’s in-branch, ATM and e-banking services. The survey is undertaken both online and via telephone, in order to reach a wide cross-section of customers. Analysis of the findings provides information on key measures such as the Bank’s Net Promoter score, level of customer satisfaction with the Bank’s service delivery and its various products and services. Reports outlining the findings and illustrating the key measures are generated on a quarterly basis. This allows for comparisons of the findings over the past year and serves as a monitoring tool for customers’ perception and satisfaction.

The Solution

The quarterly surveys help the Bank to be more pro-active and responsive to customers’ needs as well as evaluate the performance of its staff, with a view to optimise the efficiency of service delivery.

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